New Dads need all the help they can get. And what better way to ring in 'New Dad' status than with an amazing New Dads Survial Kit that'll blow him away and prepare him for what's to come - in a way he's sure to love.
Yes, New Dads Survival Kits have become a bit of a phenomenon in 2018 as people look for the perfect gifts for that first time Dad in their life.
And these days, any old survival kit won't do for the new Dads of the year - no, Dads these days want that just-right mix of practical, funny, and sometimes personally meaningful.
In this article we will hit each of those 3 crucial points to make sure your New Dads Survival Kit wows everyone AND makes him feel like 'you get it'...
New Dads Survival Kit Tip #1: Practicality
Please don't do this...
When putting together your New Dads Survival Kit you may want to skip right to the funny, and that's understandable because it's the most fun part.
But for the perfect kit, practicality will be one of the things he appreciates most on his new Dad journey...
He'll come to love this part of the survival kit as things pop-up that he hadn't thought of.
So start with practicality and leave him saying "I didn't think this would come in so handy!" with some of these awesome items he never knew he needed!
New Dads Survival Kit Tip #2: The Funny
Ok, now it's time to let loose a little and show that your new Dads survival doesn't have to be all diapers and seriousness.
And yes, this part of the survival kit will share a fews components with the next tip about knocking it out of the park (personilzation), but reserve this part for the cheapy things...
For instance, if you were going to logically budget out this whole New Dad Survival Kit thing, it WOULD NOT be one-third, one-thind, one-thind.
In fact, the funny part of the kit should really only cost about one-tenth of the whole thing.
I know!
"But this is supposed to be the most fun part" - you say.
And doing it at a fraction of the other parts absolutely does NOT mean it can't be BIG and FUN...
Because the cutesy "haha for a moment" kind of stuff is really only a survial kit budget buster if you don't plan ahead and end up running to one of those party supply stores... or even worse a CVS or Walgreens.
So not only will planning ahead and checking out the specially-picked/new-Dad-approved items below let you breathe easy when the gift giving commences...
More importantly, it'll allow you to save on the 'here today, gone tomorrow' gags and put your money where it will really do him some good.
After all, we're not really making a new Dads survival kit are we? For the men in our lives we care about, we want them to THRIVE.
Thrival Kit? Is that a thing?
Anyway, enough with the serious talk let laugh at some dumb-cute stuff...
New Dads Survival Kit Tip #3: Personalization
This may seem hard at first.
Maybe the new Dad in your life seems the more 'to himself' type and you all you can think about it beef jerky or craft beer related survival kit stuffers...
But let's slow down a bit and put those (partially truth-based) assumptions aside for a moment.