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Veillonella Supplement: Review and Where to Buy


Veillonella supplements, pill form probiotics containing Veillonella bacteria, have proven to hold great potential as more scientific studies research the benefits of the bacteria and its role in human gut microbiome.

Specifically, researchers are looking into the seemingly endless performance-enhancing, muscle-waste reducing, anti-aging benefits that come with Veillonella supplementation.

And they are seeing significant evidence that this compound can help humans greatly improve markers of aging and reduce related muscle declines by enhancing exercise capacity

These awesome improvements would not just protect against cardiovascular disease and diabetes but also act as a potent anti-aging solution as the bacteria forms a long term colony in the gut.

In this article, we’ll go over the core benefits of this emerging supplement and then discuss what you can do now with Veillonella.

Veillonella Supplement Research

veillonella supplement

Scientists began looking into the newfound bacteria in 2015 using stool specimens taken from participants in the Boston Marathon. They took these samples one week prior to and one week following the race. 

Stool specimens were then also taken from people who lead sedentary lifestyles and rate their weekly activity level as rather low. All three batches of stool samplings were then analyzed to breakdown and understand the types and amounts of bacteria found within each grouping.

Right away the researchers zeroed in on one very special strand of bacteria which stood out in a striking way. That strand of bacteria was obviously Veillonella.

The reason Veillonella stood out so quickly to the scientists is because they noticed that it was found in a strikingly greater amount in the marathon runners directly following the finish of the race. Overall, this bacteria was found in the stool samples provided by marathon runners at a higher amount than those leading a sedentary lifestyle but the post-race measures of Veillonella were extraordinarily so.

This finding led to further investigation by the team of researchers who ultimately discovered that Veillonella is very uncommon in our gut biomes. Further, it was shown that the bacteria is able to use lactic acid as its primary source of fuel. This meant that Veillonella could use the waste product created from exercise to generate a very powerful compound called propionate which has been referred to by some as “giving the benefits of extreme cardio with a much lower threshold.”

Indeed, it is know that the propionate derived from Veillonella improves glucose metabolism, greatly increases oxygen transportation and usage, and causes significant lowering of inflammation. 

As Dr. Kostic, lead scientist states: “what excites me is the idea that this might help people who find exercise difficult to increase their exercise capacity.” And what an exciting development in science it is as it not only benefits marathon runners but also those who lead a more sedentary lifestyle and may not have the time or energy after working to engage in long bouts of rigorous cardiovascular exercise.

Veillonella for Sale? How Close Are We?

buy veillonella

Sure the newly buzzing bacteria excites us in many ways but there are still some unknowns, and the preliminary nature of the findings are causing most large companies interested in the compound to hold off further testing - which is very frustrating from a consumer standpoint.

And as the testing is put on backlog and the big companies that often offer costly remedies (bandaids) for the long list of things a compound like Veillonella could fix, take note of their current earnings, there is no rush for further development.

For this reason, it is perhaps no surprise that we’re seeing first movement on the consumer-front by smaller labs with smaller batches and no long list of products to treat the very things Veillonella may prevent from becoming an issue at all.

One such lab has come up with a Veillonella blend that works synergistically with the other bacteria provided to create an optimal gut biome for anti-aging, cardiovascular health, and muscle retention purposes. >>You can find that product HERE when in stock<<.

Other providers we can find in the space include ATCC and PHE-CC. However these companies are only intended to sell to researcher institutions at mass, not individuals seeking to improve their health and longevity. I do say ‘intended to’ because there certainly is the possibility to acquire this compound (at the exorbitant price) by affirming some questions before checkout but I chose not to go down that path as I intended to find a way to buy Veillonella in a way that anyone wanting to improve their lives could do given they were in stock.

Stay Optimal Friends!