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walking shoes

Best Walking Shoes for Lower Back Pain 2019

walking shoes for lower back pain

Getting the best walking shoes for lower back pain can be sort of a pain in the back these days (pun intended).

With so many choices how do you get the best of the best?

Well, a couple crucial factors should be kept in mind when searching high and low for the best walking shoes for lower back pain, and we’ll be covering those points below.

Evaluating Your Lower Back Pain

As more that half of Americans suffer from chronic lower back pain, you need to really look into your personal experiences.

For instance, we usually get that pinching or twisting lower back pain feeling in what seems like a single moment, doing certain activities.

Because of this, we conclude it’s those activities that make your lower back ache - that we need to stay away from those things in general.

The thing is, that’s usually not what’s going on.

What’s actually happening when we feel lower back pain onset is the end effect of tension in our hip flexors and hamstrings that’s built up over time.

The problem lies with our daily movements and postures.

From sitting to how we walk, it’s common to misalign our bodies.

We fail to engage our hip flexors properly and miss out on the stability and structure that lead to optimal health - including finally ridding ourselves of that awful lower back pain.

Considering our feet are the structures that work to stabilize our bodies at the very first level, it’s a good place to look when trying to align everything that way it should be to achieve pain-free sitting, standing, bending and walking.

Finding The Best Walking Shoes For Lower Back Pain

Picking walking shoes that are designed for proper stabilization should be top priority in building your arsenal against lower back pain.

You should be taking into account the support offered for your ankle, heel, and arch as these components most often are what lead to walking or jogging your way out of alignment.

The foundation of your feet and the agility of your hip flexors shouldn’t be overlooked when picking the best walking shoes for lower back pain. The support is truly necessary.

You may try the shoe shop near you home for a pair of walking shoes to soothe your lower back pain but shoes that are truly designed for a specific need in mind are more difficult to come by in stores that serve general shoe needs. You might be better of looking in places that specialize in the pain point you’re trying to fix - in our case, chronic lower back pain.

Our Picks

To cover all the bases that we went over in the article, the New Balance Men's Mw928v2 Walking Shoes are the best fit for lower back pain.

In fact, our readers voted these to be the best at alleviating their chronic lower back pain even compared to the Brooks Addiction variety that I use for my running shoes.

For women, the New Balance Women's WW847V2 Walking Shoes are purported to offer the same awesome support.

All-in-all, behind learning how to properly engage your hip flexors, picking up a pair of specifically made shoes like the New Balance Men's Walking Shoe above is a best practice start to feeling real relief from your nagging lower back pain.

As always, stay optimal my friends :)